In Ancient Egypt washing hands was one of the most important daily life and religious traditions which are considered for us now as an intangible heritage that reflects the ancient Egyptians great civilization.
Hygiene was one of the most important issues that captured the ancient Egyptian attention. He presented it as one of the essential priorities in his daily life; especially what is related to care about cleaning his body since it was a way of being healthy and an essential restriction for purification. Ancient Egyptian attention concerning hygiene has been appeared through what have been got from texts, proverbs, and the scenes represented on the walls of the private tombs throughout the history of Egypt.
The aims of this current study are: To put a spotlight on washing hands in ancient Egypt as an intangible heritage. To highlight washing hands as one of the most important daily life and religious customs and traditions in ancient Egypt. To put a spotlight on washing hands materials and implements as well as their names in ancient Egyptian language.
To achieve that the author based this research on collecting information from references, periodicals and describing the scenes of washing hands carving on the walls of the private tombs as well as analyzing and interpreting the information gathered from literature.
The results obtained revealed that 1- Ancient Egyptians washed their hands before and after meals because they used their hands in eating. 2- Ancient Egyptians used different shapes of ewers and basins to pour water for washing hands. 3- There were many expressions showing the meaning of washing hands in hieroglyphs. 4- There were different expressions indicating to the names of washing hands implements throughout the history of Egypt.
Washing, Hands, Washing Hands, ancient Egypt, Intangible Heritage, Hygiene
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حولية الاتحاد العام للآثاريين العرب "دراسات فى آثار الوطن العربى"
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Washing Hands in Ancient Egypt (As an Intangible Heritage)