This research aimed at determine the degree quality of life from the point of view of the respondents in the countryside Sohag Governorate, And the study of the correlation between the degree quality of life from the point of view of the respondents and their independent variables studied, As well as identifying the obstacles they face in achieving a good life from their point of view and their proposals to overcome these obstacles. The field research was conducted on a simple random sample of 380 respondents from the heads of families in three villages in three centers in Sohag Governorate, The degree of quality of life was determined from the perspective of the respondents through six dimensions: (1) The social dimension, which was measured by three indicators (public health and food, family stability and family relations, and social solidarity), (2) The economic dimension, which was measured through three indicators (income and standard of living, economic empowerment, and housing status), (3) The political dimension, which was measured through three indicators (political participation, enjoyment of freedoms and civil rights, social justice and self-determination), (4) The psychological dimension, which was measured through three indicators (community affiliation, occupational satisfaction, and mental health), (5) The environmental dimension, which was measured through two indicators (environmental health and environmental behavior), (6) The service dimension, The data was collected using a personal interview questionnaire during the months of September and October 2022, In analyzing the data and presenting the results, it relied on the tabular presentation of frequencies, percentages, and weighted average, and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, using the SPSS. The results showed:
The indicators of public health, income and standard of living, economic empowerment, housing status, political participation, enjoyment of freedoms and civil rights, social justice and self-determination, occupational satisfaction, mental health, and environmental health were of medium quality, between rates of 49.7٪, 46.1٪, 52.9٪, 63.9٪, 54.7٪, 67.9٪, 50.8٪, 48.4٪, 55.0٪, and 82.6٪ of the respondents, respectively, while the indicators of family stability, family relations, and solidarity were Social, community affiliation, environmental behavior, and the service dimension were good, with rates of 68.4٪, 51.1٪, 82.1٪, 57.1٪, and 48.9٪, respectively.
There is a direct correlation at a significant level of 0.01 between the total degree of quality of life from the point of view of the respondents and the following independent variables studied: age, monthly family income, number of family members, and area of agricultural holding.
The most obstacles facing the respondents in achieving a high quality of life are: low income, low standard of living, exaggerated dowries, and lack of interest in infrastructure.
The most common proposals to overcome these obstacles are: providing doctors in all specialties and advanced health devices to meet the needs of all individuals, providing control over goods to counter high prices, and paying attention to providing communication and internet services.