هي رسالة في «الإصلاح الصوفي» القائم على المنهج الصحيح، حيث قام فيها فضيلة الإمام الرائد الشيخ محمد زكي الدين إبراهيم بإلقاء الضَّوء على أهمَّ مشاكل الطَّائفة الصُّوفيَّة، وهو ما يُسمُّونه في عُرْف المُتصوِّفة «الرَّسميِّين» بالـوَقْـف أو الإيقـاف.
كما بين في هذا الرسالة أهمية تربية المريدين، وتشريع بعض المشايخ عقوبات تدريجية خاصة، يُسمُّونها بـ «المناصفات»، وهي عقوبات جميلة ثم تتطرَّق إلى الحكم الثاني وهو الحكم القانوني، وهو يتمثَّل في أن موادَّ من قانون العقوبات تحمي الداعي والذاكر مما سمونه بالإيقاف، وتُخوِّل لصاحبه حرية اعتناق ما يشاء
Is a treatise that addresses “Sufi reform" based on the genuine approach, in which His Eminence the leading Imam: Sheikh Muhammad Zaki al-Din Ibrahim sheds light on the most prominent problems of the Sufi group, and this practice is known in the terminology of “official" Sufis as “waqf" or “Iqaf" (Discipline).
He also explains in this treatise the significance of educating the Murids (Sufi disciples), and using special gradual penalties by some sheikhs, which they call “Munasafat", which are simple and adorable punishments. If these attempts do not prove effective, the Murid is to be punished by secluding him.
Then, the treatise moves to discuss the second type of provisions, namley, the legal one, which are the articles of the Penal Code that protect the preacher and the worshipper from the “Iqaf" punishments, and entitle them to adopt any practices they whish.
My Work in the Book:
My work in this thesis comes as follows:
Providing a brief biography about the author of the Treatise.
Adding diacritical marks to the text, and dividing it into paragraphs.
Referencing the mentioned Hadiths by identifying the major collections of Hadith where they are mainly recorded, and grading the Hadiths that are not mentioned in the Two Sahihs of al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Referencing the included quotations.
Presenting biographies for the prominent figures mentioned in the thesis.
Explaining unfamiliar and ambiguous words.
Editing the text and adding the required punctuations.
Adding two indexes; the first is for sources and references, and the second is for the topics of the thesis.