بدأتُ البحث بمقدمة توضح أهمية الموضوع، ثم ذكرتُ تعريفًا بالمؤلِّف، ثم تعريفًا برسالته الفتح المبين. ثم أثبتُّ متن الرسالة محققًا مع التعليق عليها.
ويدور موضوع البحث حول مسألة من مسائل علم الكلام على مذهب أهل السنة الأشعرية، وهي تعلقات صفات المعاني القائمة بذاته –تعالى-، وفيها يبدأ الشيخ الجوهري بتعريف التعلق، مرجحًا القولَ بأنه نفسيٌّ، وأنه خاصٌّ بصفات المعاني فقط، وأن حقيقة التعلق وحقيقة الذات الإلهية وصفاتها محجوبٌ عن المخلوقات كلها. وأثبت للقدة تعلقين قديم وحادث. وللإرادة ثلاث تعلقات، مع قوله بتعلق الإرادة بالأعدام. وللعلم تعلقا واحدا تنجيزيًّا قديمًا. وللسمع والبصر: تعلقا تنجيزيا قديما وتنجيزيا حادثا. وللكلام تعلقا نتنجيزيا قديمًا وبذل المؤلف جهدا مشكورًا لإثبات أن كلامه –تعالى- القديم: يدل على مدلُولات ألفاظ القرآنِ وجميعِ الكتب النَّازلة من السماء. وأن ألفاظ القرآن وغيرِه من التوراة والإنجيل مثلًا: تدل على أُمورٍ مدلولةٍ لكلامه القائم بذاته. مع رده على إشكالات تتعلق بذلك. ثم ختم رسالته بالكلام على نزول سيدنا جبريل على سيدنا محمد q)) بالقرآن الكريم، وهل نزل بالألفاظ أم بالمعاني، والكلام على أن حقيقة ذاته –تعالى- وصفاته غير معلومةٍ للبشر، أما جواز ذلك عقلا وعدمه: فحكى قول شارح المقاصد: باختيار كثيرٍ من المحققين: عدم الحصول، خلافًا لرأْي جمهور المتكلمين، ومن قال بعدم الحصول: قال بجوازه عقلا، خلافًا لمنع الفلاسفة ذلك.
The research starts with an introduction shows its importance, then a brief account about the author. In addition to a definition of his work “Al-Fath Al-Mubeen". Then I added the text of the author, with authentication and commentary.
The topic of the research discusses one of the issues of theology according to the Sunni Ash'ari approach, which is the relationships of the Attributes of Meanings related to Him the Exalted.
In his aforementioned work, Al-Jawhari, starts with defining “ at-ta'aluq" relationship, choosing that it is related to the Self and is limited to the attributes of the Meanings only. Moreover, he adds, the essence of at-ta'aluq and the essence of Allah is hidden and unknown for all creatures. He also, confirmed two relationships of the Power, pre-eternal (with no beginning) and the second contingent (has a beginning). As for the will it has three relationships in addition to his opinion that it also has a relationship with ending the existence. As for Knowledge it has one relationship which is effective pre-eternal. However, the Hearing and Sight the have a pre-eternal and a contingent effectiveness relationship. As for the Speech, it has a pre-eternal effectiveness relationship.
The author also made a commendable effort to prove that the pre-eternal Speech of Allah - the Most High - indicate the meanings of the words of the Qur'an and all the books that were revealed from heaven. And that the words of the Qur'an and other words from the Torah and the Injeel, for example: indicate significant matters for His nonverbal speech. Besides providing responses to the objections related to it.
Eventually, the author concluded his work by discussing the descend of the Arch Gabriel to prophet Muhammad - peace be upon them - with the Holy Qur'an, and whether it was revealed in words or in meanings. Moreover, showing the essence of Allah's Self - the Most High - and His attributes are unknown to humans. As for its logical possibility, he cited the approach of Al Maqasid commentator which was adopted by many authenticators who choose the impossibility of is existence, contrary to the opinion of the majority of the theologians, and whoever choose the impossibility of is existence said that it is logically possible, contrary the philosophers who prevented this.