اتفق الفقهاء -في الجملة- على أن الجمعة لا تجب ولا تصح إلا بشروطٍ زائدةٍ على شروط الصلوات الخمس، وبينوا وفصلوا تلك الشروط والأحكام تفصيلاً شافياً؛ فاتفقوا في بعضٍ، واختلفوا في بعضٍ، ولذا كان لزاماً على الباحث في الفقه تبيُّن تلك الأحكام والمسائل، ومعرفة مواضع الاتفاق، ومسائل النزاع، وتحرير ذلك؛ ليكون في دينه وفقهه على بصيرة.
ومن ثم فإن الغرض الرئيس من البحث بيان حكم إقامة صلاة الجمعة في مناطق المزارع والاستراحات والتخييم في دولة الكويت، وقد اقتضى هذا تركب البحث من شقين؛ شقٍ تأصيليٍ تُذكر فيه المسائل الفقهية المؤثرة في حكم إقامة الجمعة في الواقع محل الدراسة، وتحريرها، وشقٍ تطبيقي يُتصور فيه الواقع المقصود بالدراسة، لتُنَزَّل عليه الأحكام والتأصيلات الفقهية، ثم تحقيق مناط ما تقدم تحريره وتقريره في الشق التأصيلي في الواقع محل الدراسة.
وقد توصَّل الباحث إلى وجود إشكالٍ فقهيٍ كبيرٍ في إقامة الجمعة في الواقع المقصود بالدراسة، وحاجة الأمر لاجتهادٍ جماعي في المسألة، وضبطٍ تنظيمي لإقامة الجمعة في البلد عامَّة.
Egypt and African countries are striving to promote intra-regional trade, develop commercial transportation and create a new environment among them, as the main way to achieve economic development for the countries of the brown continent. Several initiatives have emerged to facilitate intra-regional trade and transport at the regional and global levels, with the aim of promoting regional integration and raising the level of integration into global trade and economy. However, it was noted that initiatives to facilitate intra-regional trade and transport at the regional level are now achieving success and have a positive impact on trade and development better than at the global level. Including what Egypt seeks through the countries of the East and Southern Africa (COMESA) to achieve a fully integrated regional community that has the ability to compete internationally and is ready to integrate into the Economic Community of the African Continent to achieve economic and social progress and achieve sustainable development in the fields of trade, transport, industry, energy and other sectors of the member states and countries of the continent. Therefore, African countries, including Egypt, should move towards developing their commercial means of transportation, which today occupies a major role in facilitating global trade and achieving economic and social development in most of the developed and developing countries alike. As the need has become clear and urgent to move away from traditional high-cost modes of transport, and move towards low-cost multimodal modes of transport, and it has become clear that it is necessary for African countries to work to attract the skills and competencies of the private sector to invest in African commercial transport, and to strengthen the partnership between the government and the private sector. In this important sector, which helps to promote intra-trade, transport is one of the mainstays on which economic activity is based in the modern era. In which movement has become a necessity and stillness is synonymous with death. Without transportation, commodities would have been consumed in the places where they are manufactured, which leads to paralyzing the movement of trade exchange, which is the spirit of economic life, and at the same time it is considered one of the criteria against which the progress and advancement of countries are measured.