الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه.. أما بعد:
فهذا بحث موسوم بـ "إزالة الإلتباس عما نُسب في الفرائض إلى ابن عباس" حاولت من خلاله بيان خلاف ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما في مسائل الفرائض ومدى صحة ما نسب إليه من آراء وذلك بتوضيح ما نقل عنه وصح، أو ما نقل عنه وتراجع عنه أو شذوذ الروايات المنسوبة إليه وضعفها.
وخرجت بجملة من النتائج ؛ أهمها أن التباين في فهم النصوص بين الصحابة لا سبيل لأحد أن ينكره، وخاصةً ما كان منها ظني الدلالة، ورجوع بعض الصحابة عن آرائهم – كابن عباس – رضي الله عنهما، وغيره من الصحابة إلى ما يرونه حقًا دليل على أن عدم تعصبهم للرأي والهوى، وهو ما أنار الطريق لمن بعدهم من المجتهدين، كما راعى الصحابة – رضوان الله عليهم في أحكامهم نصوص القرآن الكريم، وكان من أسباب اختلاف أقوال الصحابة رضي الله عنهم ما هو متعلق بالنصوص الشرعية مثل عدم النص، لعدم بلوغه للصحابي، أو عدم ثبوته لديه، أو عدم معرفة الصحابي بالناسخ والمنسوخ من النصوص، أو تعارض النصوص في نظر الصحابي، ومن أسباب اختلاف أقوال الصحابة، ما هو متعلق باختلاف العقول والمدارس والأفهام ، ونتائج أخرى وتوصيات استعرضتها في خاتمة البحث بالتفصيل .
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. As for what follows:
For this reason, I searched under the title “Removing the Ambiguity of an Imad attributed to Ibn Abbas in the religious duties," through which Ibn Abbas' disagreement, may God be pleased with them both, regarding the religious duties issues and the extent of the validity of the revisions attributed to him, is explained by clarifying what was reported from him and his companions, or what was quoted from him and retracted from it, or what was anomalous. The narrations attributed to her and their weakness.
I came up with a number of results: The most important of which is that there is no way for anyone to deny the discrepancy in the understanding of texts between the Companions, especially those whose significance was presumed, and the retreat of some of the Companions from their opinions - such as Ibn Abbas - may God be pleased with them, and other Companions to what he died alive is evidence of their lack of fanaticism towards any and all whims, which is what He illuminated the way for those who came after them among the mujtahids, just as the Companions - may God be pleased with them - took into account when they used the texts of the Holy Qur'an. One of the reasons for the difference was the sayings of the Companions, may God be pleased with them, what was related to the legal texts, such as the lack of a text, and as a result of the Companion, or not proving it to him, or not possessing it. The Companion's knowledge of the abrogated and abrogated texts, or the conflict of texts in the view of the Companion, and among the reasons for the difference are the sayings of the Companions, what is related to the difference in minds, schools, and understandings, and other results and recommendations that I reviewed in the detailed research episode.