يهدف البحث بعون الله وتوفيقه إلى الرد على الشبهات التي أوردها : (محمد جواد حليل ) في كتابه (روايات الحميدي أربكت البخاري ) وذلك بعرض أقواله أولا ، ثم تفنيد الشبهة بالتخريج لهذا الحديث من مصادر التخريج الأخرى ، وبيان الشيوخ والتلاميذ في هذا الحديث ، والرواة الذين تلاقت فيهم الطرق ، وذلك للترجيح وإثبات الطريق الصحيح ، والتعرض لكل ما انتقد فيه هذا الرجل الإمام البخاري رحمه الله : بإثبات الصحيح الثابت من أقوال العلماء، وأنه لا يلزم من رواية البخاري رحمه الله للحديث بالمعنى أنه نسي أو أنه سيئ الحفظ وحاشاه رحمه الله ، وأن اختيار البخاري رحمه الله لتلك الطرق التي أوردها في صحيحه قد رويت عن الحميدي رحمه الله وإن كان ذلك خارج مسنده ، أو أنها ترجحت للبخاري رحمه الله الرواية الأخرى التي خالف فيها لفظ الحميدي رحمه الله لأن رواتها أضبط وأكثر حفظا وإتقانا ، أو لأن ذلك اللفظ قد اتفقت عليه معظم الروايات وأغلبها ، ونحو ذلك من أوجه الرد المذكورة بالتفصيل في كل شبهة ، كما تعرضت في آخر البحث للرد على ما تعرض له هذا الطاعن من الطعن في عدالة الصحابة رضي الله عنهم متهما الصحابي الجليل سمرة بن جندب رضي الله عنه بشرب الخمر ، والرد على ما نسبه إليه من روايات كاذبة لا أساس لها من الصحة ، وكذلك الرد على ما تعرض له من الطعن في الفاروق عمر بن الخطاب t متهما إياه - وحاشاه t عنه وأرضاه - بالتنقيص من قدر الرسول e عند وفاته e ، والرد على ذلك بجمع أقوال العلماء وتمحيص الحق من الباطل ملتزمة في ذلك منهج الاعتدال والإنصاف .
Inaugurated with god's blessing, this research aims to respond to the suspicions raised by Mr. Muhammad Jawad Khalil in his book “The Novels of Al-Hamidi ... Confused Al-Bukhari". Firstly, by presenting the author's claims, then refuting the suspicions by utilizing Hadith Gradation from various Gradation sources and tracing back the sheikhs, students and chain of narrators (isnad) of the concerned Hadith. In order to determine its authenticity and reliability and verify the accuracy of the reported saying or action. Moreover, our research will address each point where Mr. Muhammad Jawad Khalil criticized Imam Al-Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, by providing evidence from scholars to support the authenticity and reliability and replying to the points which the author challenged the integrity of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them. Also emphasizing on the fact that Imam Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, narrated the Hadith by meaning does not indicate that he forgot or that he had poor memory. Far be it from him and the fact that Imam Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, chose those paths that he included in his Sahih, even though they were narrated by Al-Humaydi, may Allah have mercy on him, outside of his Isnad, or that Bukhari, may Allah have mercy on him, favored another narration that differed from the wording of Al-Humaydi, may Allah have mercy on him, because its narrators were more reliable, had better memory and precision, or because that wording was agreed upon by most of the narrations and the majority of them, and similar reasons mentioned in detail for each suspicion. At the end of the research, I also addressed the refutation of the criticisms made by this claimant against the integrity of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, accusing the esteemed Companion Samura ibn Jundab, may Allah be pleased with him, of drinking alcohol. I also refuted the false narratives attributed to Companion Samura, which have no basis in truth. Additionally, I addressed the criticisms directed at Al-Farooq Umar ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, accusing him – and far be it from him, may Allah be pleased with him and grant him peace – of belittling the Prophet, peace be upon him, at the time of his death, peace be upon him. I refuted these accusations by compiling the statements of scholars and distinguishing the truth from falsehood. All while adhering to the approach of moderation and fairness.