البحث دراسة موضوعية للآيات التي تحدثت عن كفاية الله لعيسى – عليه السلام - منذ ولادته وحتى دعوته ورفعه، وتكمن أهمية الموضوع ارتباطه بعقيدة التوكل على الله تعالى وبيان رعايته لأوليائه وأنبيائه، وارتباط الموضوع بنبي من أنبياء الله عليهم الصلاة والسلام. ويجيب البحث عن أسئلة هي، ما الآيات التي تحدثت عن كفاية الله – عليه السلام - وما المعاني التفسيرية لهذه الآيات؟ وما الأسباب التي كفى الله بها نبيه عيسى – عليه السلام - وما معاني التوكل والثقة بالله تعالى في هذه الآيات؟ ويهدف البحث إلى جمع الآيات التي تحدثت عن كفاية الله لعيسى– عليه السلام - عليه السلام - ودراسة هذه الآيات دراسة موضوعية. وبيان الأسباب التي كفى الله بها نبيه عيسى – عليه السلام - وتوصل الباحث إلى نتائج من أهمها: أن كفاية الله تعالى لأنبيائه وأوليائه، لها حكم كثيرة، منها: لطفه بأنبيائه وأوليائه. ومنها: إتمام أمره في تبليغهم لدينه وشرعه، لا يتم ذلك إلا بتلك الكفاية. وأن كفاية الله عباده تكون بتحقيق
ما يحتاجون ويضطرون إليه. وأن كفاية الله تعالى تستلزم اليقين والتوكل على الله جل وعلا وتستلزم عدم الخوف من الشيطان وأوليائه وحزبه. وأن الله تعالى كفى نبيه عيسى – عليه السلام - بأنواع من الكفايات منها: كفايته وأمه من البهتان العظيم بعد ولادته، وكفايته بالبيانات، وكفايته له بروح القدس وبالأنصار، وكفايته له بالوجاهة وعظم القدر، وكفايته له بالحفظ من الكيد والقتل، وكفايته له بالرفع والتطهير.
The research is an objective study of the verses that spoke about God's sufficiency for Jesus - peace be upon him - from his birth until his call and ascension. The importance of the topic lies in its connection to the doctrine of trust in God Almighty and the statement of His care for His saints and prophets, and the connection of the topic to one of God's prophets, peace and blessings be upon them. The research answers the following questions: What are the verses that spoke about God's sufficiency - peace be upon him - and what are the interpretive meanings of these verses? What are the reasons for which God sufficed His Prophet Jesus - peace be upon him - and what are the meanings of trust and confidence in God Almighty in these verses? The research aims to collect the verses that spoke about God's sufficiency for Jesus - peace be upon him - and study these verses objectively. And explaining the reasons by which Allah sufficed His Prophet Jesus - peace be upon him - and the researcher reached the results, the most important of which are: that Allah's sufficiency for His prophets and saints has many rulings, including: His kindness to His prophets and saints. And among them: Completing His command in conveying His religion and law to them, this is not accomplished except by that sufficiency. And that Allah's sufficiency for His servants is by fulfilling what they need and are compelled to. And that Allah's sufficiency necessitates certainty and trust in Allah, the Most High, and necessitates not fearing Satan and his saints and his party. And that Allah sufficed His Prophet Jesus - peace be upon him - with types of sufficiency, including: His sufficiency for him and his mother from the great slander after his birth, and His sufficiency with the statements, and His sufficiency for him with the Holy Spirit and the supporters, and His sufficiency for him with prestige and great status, and His sufficiency for him with protection from plotting and killing, and His sufficiency for him with elevation and purification.