ArticleMini Analysis of Time, Type, Language, Source Titles, Institutions, Countries and the Terms' Occurrences for Publications about Basil Oil using VOSviewer
ArticleMini Analysis of Time, Type, Language, Source Titles, Institutions, Countries and the Terms' Occurrences for Publications about Basil Oil using VOSviewer
ArticleCharacterization of some active organic compound from Cold and Hot aqueous solvent and Study their Antibiotic of Artemisia herba-alba Asso plant oil
ArticleCharacterization of some active organic compound from Cold and Hot aqueous solvent and Study their Antibiotic of Artemisia herba-alba Asso plant oil
ArticleEffects of ultrasonic and microwave pretreatments on the extraction yield, chemical composition and antioxidant activity of hydrodistilled essential oil from anise (Pimpinella ani
ArticleEffects of ultrasonic and microwave pretreatments on the extraction yield, chemical composition and antioxidant activity of hydrodistilled essential oil from anise (Pimpinella ani
ArticlePhytochemical Analysis of Phragmites Australis Aerial Parts Extract By LC– ESI–MS and its Silver Nanoparticles as Well as their Biological Activities
ArticlePhytochemical Analysis of Phragmites Australis Aerial Parts Extract By LC– ESI–MS and its Silver Nanoparticles as Well as their Biological Activities
ArticleChanges in the essential oil of Lavandula officinalis over boron application and harvest dates along with the response of oil to nanotechnology against Sitotroga cerealella
ArticleChanges in the essential oil of Lavandula officinalis over boron application and harvest dates along with the response of oil to nanotechnology against Sitotroga cerealella