Abstract Background: Within the last decade, the laparoscopic ap-pendectomy has gained popularity. During laparoscopic ap-pendectomy, any other pathology that comes to view could be diagnosed rather easier and dealt with in the same time. The de-cision as to do the laparoscopic appendectomy is usually based on the surgeon's preference rather than on knowledge of the advantage of it. Aim of Study: The aim of this study is to evaluate laparo-scopic appendectomy in complicated appendicitis in a teaching hospital regarding operative time, intraoperative complications, time of return to oral intake, length of hospital stay, postopera-tive pain and complications. Patients and Methods: Forty patients with suspected com-plicated acute appendicitis were admitted to ER in Ahmed Maher Teaching Hospital, from September 2021 to September 2023. All underwent laparoscopic appendectomy. We conduct-ed a prospective study evaluating laparoscopic appendectomy in complicated appendicitis. Results: In laparoscopic appendectomy the monopolar dia-thermy was used to divide the mesoappendix and controlling the appendicular artery then the base was cut between two lig-atures whether by end loops or intracorporeal suture. Laparo-scopic appendectomy is a safe and feasible in management of complicated acute appendicitis. Laparoscopic appendectomy has the advantage of shorter operative room time, less intra-op-erative complications, less post-operative complications, less time needed for oral intake, and shorter hospital stay. Conclusion: From the previous study we concluded that laparoscopic appendectomy in complicated appendicitis is a safe and efficient procedure with lower incidence of compli-cations and should be the initial choice for all patients with complicated appendicitis, laparoscopic appendectomy has the advantage of shorter operative room time, less intra-operative complications, less post-operative complications, less time needed for oral intake, and shorter hospital stay.