Abstract Background: Coronary revascularization is the key of life today against the most leading cause of death allover the world today which is Coronary artery disease. Coronary revasculari-zation is aiming to Improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart. For coronary revascularization there is two ways: complete and incomplete revascularization. Aim of Study: Short-term follow-up for patients with coro-nary artery disease who were subjected to complete and incom-plete revascularization due to certain conditions and compari-son between the results in both groups to detect the best results for the patients. Patients and Methods: A prospective comparative study conducted over two years at Departments of Cardiothorathic Surgery Ain Shams University Hospital and Minia University Hospital. 60 patients were subjected to CABG; at 30 patients complete Coronary revascularization was done and at the other 30 patients Incomplete Coronary revascularization was done. Results: The study has shown that complete revasculari-zation (CR) may improve short-term outcomes by reducing myocardial ischemia and preventing future revascularization, Patients with ICR had significantly lower number of coronary distal anastomosis than group of CR. However, More future multicentric studies and a large number of sample will be need-ed for more new results in this Feld. Conclusion: In the light of the foregoing present study re-sults, it can be concluded that, complete revascularization (CR) may improve short-term outcomes by reducing myocardial is-chemia and preventing future revascularization, Patients with ICR had significantly lower number of coronary distal anas-tomosis than group of CR. However, More future multicentric studies and a large number of sample will be needed for more new results in this Feld.