Background: Precision health refers to tailored medi- cal treatment that considers an individual's unique genetic, genomic, or omic makeup, as well as lifestyle, social, eco- nomic, cultural, and environmental factors. The goal is to assist individuals in achieving optimal health and well-being through personalized care. This approach utilizes extensive datasets that integrate omics data—such as genetic sequences, proteomics, metabolomics, and microbiome information—with clinical in- formation and health outcomes. Despite the growing interest in precision health, there remains a significant gap in nurses' understanding and engagement in its implementation, which could enhance illness diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Aim of Work: This article aims to comprehensively exam- ine the concept of precision health and underscore the impor- tance of integrating nursing professionals in its execution. The study seeks to provide insights into how nursing can contribute to the advancement of precision health through interprofession- al cooperation, community outreach, and care coordination. Methods: The study involved a meticulous review of ex- isting literature on precision health, including the role of big data, omics, information science, and the importance of family health history. An examination of nursing omics research focus- ing on symptom science was also conducted. Expert viewpoints were gathered to assess the current understanding and implica- tions of precision health for the nursing profession. Results: The findings highlight the necessity for nurses to acquire knowledge about precision health to play a crucial role in its implementation. The report identifies key areas where nursing can contribute, including research, education, clinical practice, nursing administration, and policy-making. Guide- lines for nurse leaders to facilitate the strategic adoption of pre- cision health in healthcare settings were developed. Conclusion: Precision health has the potential to transform healthcare delivery and outcomes, but its successful implemen- tation requires the active participation of the nursing profes- sion. By developing a comprehensive understanding of preci- sion health principles and practices, nurses can enhance their