This experiment was conducted on 2019 & 2020 to study the effect of root hormones within two different water irrigation pH. on five new almond ×peach hybrids that are nematode resistance and salt tolerance. Rootstock trees are nine years old grown in Horticulture Research Institute, A.R.C. and received the same recommended horticultural practices. This experiment consisted of eight treatments using Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) at concentrations of 1000&2000ppm with or without 500ppm Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) under pH5&7 of water irrigation. Results cleared that hybrid genotype No.5 recorded the highest significant values in growth and chemical measurements followed by hybrid genotype No.4 while Hybrid genotype No.3 recorded the lowest significant values. The greatest rooting percentage (56.28&59.76) and root length (4.01&4.23 cm.) recorded with 1000ppmIBA+ 500ppmNAA, as auxins enhanced the formation of callus, promotes root primordia. IBA delays the leaf abscission that increase the partitioning of photo-assimilates towards the leaves to reach great leaf area (32.98&34.34), fresh (2.11& 2.53) and dry (0.89&0.97) weight. Great leaf area and introduce more C/N ratio. Irrigation by pH5 improves nutrient availability and solubility of soil anions than pH7 of irrigation water. The interaction between hybrid No.5 under 1000ppmIBA+500ppmNAA within pH5 of water irrigation recorded the highest significant values of all growth measurements (rooting % 67.2&58.8, root number 5.95&6.03, shoot length 7.30&7.51cm. and leaf area 8.3&38.9 cm2.) and chemical measurements fresh (2.59&2.71), dry (1.12&1.28) weight and total indoles (0.471&0.483). Moreover normal water pH reached the good rooting measurements with the high concentration of IBA (2000 ppm).