ArticleThe Effect of Bank Attributes and Customer Characteristics on Bank Selection Decisions "An Empirical Investigation of Islamic Bank Customers in Egypt”
ArticleThe Effect of Bank Attributes and Customer Characteristics on Bank Selection Decisions "An Empirical Investigation of Islamic Bank Customers in Egypt”
ArticleThe Impact of the price of services of Digital Marketing Mix on Customers Attraction Field Study in the Egyptian Banking Sector
ArticleThe Impact of the price of services of Digital Marketing Mix on Customers Attraction Field Study in the Egyptian Banking Sector
ArticleThe Mediating Role of Customer Relationship Management between Social Media Marketing and a Bank’s Image: Evidence from Emerging Countries
ArticleThe Mediating Role of Customer Relationship Management between Social Media Marketing and a Bank’s Image: Evidence from Emerging Countries
Articleتأثير توقعات العملاء کمتغير وسيط في العلاقة بين القيمة المدرکة والخبرات السابقة والسمعة المدرکة و الولاء للعلامة : دراسة ميدانية علي البنوک التجارية في مصر
Articleتأثير توقعات العملاء کمتغير وسيط في العلاقة بين القيمة المدرکة والخبرات السابقة والسمعة المدرکة و الولاء للعلامة : دراسة ميدانية علي البنوک التجارية في مصر
Articleتأثير جودة الخدمة المصرفية الإلكترونية على ولاء العملاء "دراسة تطبيقية على البنوك التجارية المصرية"
Articleتأثير جودة الخدمة المصرفية الإلكترونية على ولاء العملاء "دراسة تطبيقية على البنوك التجارية المصرية"
ArticleExploring the Role of Digital Transformation in Competitive Advantage: Mediating Role of Organizational Culture. An Empirical Research in Banking Sector in Egypt
ArticleExploring the Role of Digital Transformation in Competitive Advantage: Mediating Role of Organizational Culture. An Empirical Research in Banking Sector in Egypt
ArticleImpact of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Purchase Intention with mediation role of Customer E-Satisfaction: evidence from Egyptian SMEs
ArticleImpact of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Purchase Intention with mediation role of Customer E-Satisfaction: evidence from Egyptian SMEs
ArticleThe Impact of Digital Transformation on Organizational Performance in the Banking Sector in Egypt with Application on the Agricultural Bank of Egypt"
ArticleThe Impact of Digital Transformation on Organizational Performance in the Banking Sector in Egypt with Application on the Agricultural Bank of Egypt"