This paper is about examining the effect of the social media platforms on the youth empowerment in Egypt. It is studying how the social media platforms (Facebook, instagram, Tiktok and twitter) are affecting the youth empowerment in various ways; psychological, societal, organizational, economic, social, and cultural empowerment.
In order to test the hypothesis, 113 youth (age from 18 to 24 as per the UN definition) and their parents were surveyed through well-structured electronic questionnaires. Convenience sampling method was used. The scope of the study was limited to mainly the youth and their parents of Egypt. The research was limited only to some types of social media platforms/SNS such as Facebook, instagram, Tiktok and twitter as representative of social media platforms/SNS.
The survey was analyzed statistically, and Correlation was applied to the data with the help of SPSS statistics to test the relationship between social media platforms/ SNS with the youth empowerment. The statement correlation showed significance between the SNS and all the dependent variables. For each variable, The Cranach's is greater than 0.6, this proves that there is a high consistency between the statements and each statement is supporting the other.
The result shows that there is a significant positive impact of social network sites on youth empowerment. It shows significant effect on the six types of youth empowerment in Egypt. Thus, SNS have positive impact on all youth empowerment types; psychological, societal, organizational, economic, social, and cultural empowerment. Hence, all hypotheses were accepted.