The establishment of a modern Egyptian army at the beginning of the nineteenth century was closely linked to education. Education in general is the basis of any nation's progress and the reason for its renaissance.
When Muhammad Ali set out to rebuild the modern Egyptian army, he took the European model as an example to follow, both in assembling soldiers for armament training and the arts of war. It was necessary to develop an educational system through which he could train soldiers in these modern war arts and graduate the officers needed to work with weapons. Different army, so the Egyptian army became a regular force, educated and trained in the latest systems, comparable to European armies.
Therefore, Muhammad Ali, and his successors after him, took it upon themselves to establish military schools and pay attention to education and culture
Military, especially non-commissioned officer graduation schools, and machinery schools (unit schools) to eradicate soldiers' illiteracy and teach them to read and write.
Military education did not stop at this point only, but it was necessary to continuously develop and modernize, through learning about the latest developments in the arts of war in modern European schools, and learning and increasing this knowledge, so sending military missions to Europe and benefiting from these envoys, Upon their return, they would transfer this experience and knowledge, and translate European military books, to be taught in Egyptian military schools.