Raettawy is the female counterpart of the sun-god Re as she Incorporates the name of the sun-god Re in its female form "Raet", to which "Bwy" is added as an attribute in a direct genitive construction "Raet of the two lands. The name refers to authority and domination over the two lands.
Raettawy was usually depicted in a human form as a woman wearing a long tight dress, and a Hathor-crown (sun disk between cow horns with uraeus on her forehead), sometimes with addition of two feathers above the disk. The goddess Raettawy began to appear at the time of the king Thoutmosis II and Hatshepsout (XVIII Dynasty), making an association with the goddess "Tannyt" under the name of "Raettawy" as "Raettawy-Tannyt. A stela dated to the 5th year of the king Oserkon I (XXII Dynasty), the name of Raet was written as a female doublet of Re-Atum "Raet-Itmt The goddess Raettawy became independent deity during the 19th dynasty as she represented on the stela of "Nebamante" (dated back to the reign of Ramesses II, Deir el-Médina), wearing the hathorique crown behind the god Montou and in front of Tannyt. At that time, she was not yet associated with specific geographical area".