Articleالمشتقات المالية المشفرة ودورها في إدارة مخاطر الاستثمار Encrypted financial derivatives and their role in managing investment risks
Articleالمشتقات المالية المشفرة ودورها في إدارة مخاطر الاستثمار Encrypted financial derivatives and their role in managing investment risks
ArticleEffect of Blockchain Technology Investment on the Stock Market Reaction, Firm Value, and Financial Performance
ArticleEffect of Blockchain Technology Investment on the Stock Market Reaction, Firm Value, and Financial Performance
ArticleThe Impact of Complex Accounting Estimates and Fair-Valued Cryptocurrencies on Audit Effort – Working Paper
ArticleThe Impact of Complex Accounting Estimates and Fair-Valued Cryptocurrencies on Audit Effort – Working Paper
ArticleThe role of Bitcoin as hedge, safe haven or diversifier for USA stock markets: Evidence from the DCC-GARCH approach
ArticleThe role of Bitcoin as hedge, safe haven or diversifier for USA stock markets: Evidence from the DCC-GARCH approach