Background. Self-efficacy, hope, and care burden are interconnected factors that play a significant role in the well-being of family caregivers. Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their ability to manage and perform tasks related to caregiving effectively. Higher levels of self-efficacy have been associated with lower levels of caregiver burden. Hope, which is defined as a positive expectation for the future, has been found to be negatively associated with caregiver burden. Aim: To assess the level of self-efficacy, hope and care burden and identify the relationship between self-efficacy, hope and care burden among family caregivers of patients with psychotic disorders. Settings: It was conducted at the Outpatient Clinic of El-Maamoura Hospital for Psychiatric Medicine. Egypt. Subjects: composed of 220 family caregivers of patients with psychotic disorders. Tools: four tools were used to collect the necessary data: Patients and Family Caregivers Socio-Demographic and Clinical Data Structured Interview Schedule, Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, Adult Hope Scale and Caregiving Burden Inventory. Results: 52.3% of the studied family caregivers have moderate level of Self-Efficacy and only 50% had a lower level of hope and 82.3%, have a higher degree of care burden.. Also, there is a statistically significant negative correlations between GSE and overall caregiving burden subscales (rs= -0.371, P<0.001), and between hope and overall caregiving burden subscales (rs = -0.419, P<0.001), as well as there is a statistically significant postive correlations between GSE and and hope(rs =0.845, p <0.001, respectively). Conclusion: The findings of this result provide opportunities to assess positive construct of mental health and its effect on family caregiving burden. Recommendations: Provide support and education to caregivers of patients with psychotic disorders and when Providing respite care is a temporary break from caregiving responsibilities. Conduct further research is needed to better understand another positive aspect of psychology. such as optimism, happiness and self-soothing of caregivers of patients with psychotic disorders.