Background: The postpartum period or puerperium is the 6 weeks interval from childbirth to the return of the uterus and other organs to the pre pregnant state. Post-partum period has been influenced by multiple cultural beliefs and practices transmitted from generation to generation. Some traditional practices are useful to the mother and baby, whereas others are not. Aim of the study was to assess the traditional beliefs, practices and the factor influencing it among postpartum women. Research design: A descriptive research design was utilized. Subject: Convenient sample (100) of postpartum women who attended postnatal department at Minia University maternity and children hospital were included in this study. Tools of data collection: consisted of one tool, interviewing assessment tool, it had two main parts: (women' socio -demographic characteristics, obstetrical and postpartum women's traditional beliefs and practices). Results: The results of the present study revealed that (34%) of studied postpartum women had positive beliefs while 58% and 8% of them respectively had neutral and negative beliefs. In addition, there was statistical significant difference (X2 =8.384, P=0.037 and X2 = 25.214, P =0.0001 between traditional beliefs and practices of postpartum women the total score of women's beliefs and their ages and level of education respectively. Conclusion: Traditional postpartum beliefs and practices are popular among post-partum women attending postpartum unit at Minia University maternity and children hospital had many traditional post- partum beliefs and practices during their postnatal period. These included food restrictions, delays to resume sexual intercourse, housework restrictions, foods that stimulate milk production and frequent bathing with warm water. Some of these practices are beneficial to the postpartum women whereas others that include; tying of the abdomen, the way episiotomy and perineal tear care is done. Mothers and close friends play a major role about reinforcing these beliefs and practices. Recommendation: instruct postpartum women about the appropriate care for themselves and their babies. Find postpartum complication early in order to protect women's health and lower their risk of dying from harmful practices during postpartum period.