Challenges of environmental planning and design
This paper investigates the impact of climate and environmental changes on the sustainability of the coastal area of Ain Sukhna, Red Sea, Egypt. Ain Sukhna sea shores and Galala mountain region have witnessed rapid change and modifications during the past 50 years. Climate changes are expected to impact this area through the increase in the amount and intensity of rainfall and the rise of seawater tides. Modifications applied to the topography of the mountains through grading and levelling are spreading excavation debris on the sides of the mountains creating a new hazard if swept away by the rainwater. The paper analyzes the design and construction of the coastal and mountain developments and assesses their capacity to withstand these changes. The negative impact of these changes is not only ecological but also physical and socioeconomic. Climate change impacts are becoming more instantaneous and intensified. Place-based strategies for reducing the negative impact of climate change are required to reduce the physical and ecological vulnerabilities and manage the impacts of climate change.
Climate Change, Environment Change, Sustainability, Coastal areas, Ain Sukhna, Red Sea, Egypt
Program Director - Faculty of Architecture - Galala University
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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Cultural Heritage
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Impact of Climate and Environment Changes on the Sustainability of the Coastal Areas The Case of Ain Sukhna, Red Sea, Egypt