This practice-led study investigates a novel way to designing and manufacturing traditional jewelry in Saudi Arabia. Jewelry is an important component of Saudi culture. This study was inspired by my personal observations that traditional Saudi jewelry is vanishing and being replaced with Western fashion jewelry, particularly among younger generations, as Saudi society modernizes. It is obvious that the jewelry worn by Saudi women nowadays is separated into two categories: traditional and modern. The study reveals that Saudi women may wear jewelry associated with their culture while still addressing the need to adapt to a contemporary society. The approach used in the research was based on historic Saudi jewelry styles and techniques, and it experimented with generating new designs that better mirrored the beauty of modern jewelry forms while maintaining their cultural links. The study studied two forms not prevalent in traditional Saudi jewelry, the brooch and convertible or multi-purpose jewelry that can be turned into a variety of forms, as part of the study. Assuming this is one method of moving away from traditional jewelry creation and expanding the notion of wearable art. It is a way of illustrating Saudi women in contemporary jewelry that does not have to be (Western), but can retain traditional elements and be distinctive, and can be adapted to both traditional and contemporary dress forms once this new approach finds its place in Saudi Arabia. It is hoped that once this new approach finds its place in Saudi Arabia, it will become known around the world as a contemporary form of jewelry that connects with the present while also retaining a resonance with its Saudi origins.