Assessing knowledge and practice of Caregivers regarding Clients Using Vacuum Wound Therapy
Soheir Abo Elfotouh Ibrahim* Afaf Salah AbdElmohsen **.Sahar Ahmad Shafik***Mayada Mahmoud Sabea****
**Professor of Community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing - Helwan University *** Professor of Community Health NursingFaculty of Nursing -ELFayuom University
****AssistanceProfessor of Community Health NursingFaculty of Nursing - Helwan University
Background:Vacuum wound therapy is a dressing system that continuously or intermittently applies negative pressure across the surface of wounds that are acute, chronic, complex, or difficult to heal;.Aim:Assess knowledge and practice of caregivers regarding clients using vacuum wound therapy. Design:A descriptive research design.Setting:The study was conducted at outpatient at Cairo university hospitalsSample: Convenient sample that included all caregivers who have clients with limb traumatic wound using vacuum wound therapy at home (98 client and 98 caregivers).Tools of data collection:An interviewing questionnaire sheet consists of five parts: Part I: demographic characteristic of caregivers and clients. Part II: Past and previous history of the clients Part III: Clients home environment reported by caregivers. Part IV: caregivers' knowledgevacuum wound therapy and healthy diet. Part V: Caregivers reported practice regardingvacuum wound therapy.Results: total score Knowledge was 60%, and total reported practice score was 30%,.Conclusion: there is a highly statistically significant relation between caregivers total knowledge and their demographic characteristics. There is no statistically significant relation between ' total practice and their demographic characteristics. Recommendation: there is need for Training Program for Caregivers regardingClients Using Vacuum Wound
Key word:assessment,Caregivers knowledge, practice, Vacuum wound therapy.