Knowledge and Self-care Practices among Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
Marwa Ahmed Shaban *, Zeinab Hussein Ali **, Hussein Mohamed Metwaly ***
Assistant Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Fayoum University*, Professor of Adult Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Helwan University**, Assistant Professor of oncology, Faculty of Medicine Fayoum University***
Breast cancer is a major health burden among women in both developed and developing countries. It is the second leading cause of death in women worldwide. Patient's knowledge regarding disease and self-care practices are important to achieve the desired treatment targets to help patients to improve their quality of life and ability to continue living independently. Aim of the study: To assess knowledge and self-care practices among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Research design: A descriptive exploratory design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at oncology outpatient clinic in Fayoum University Hospital. Methods: A purposive sample of 60 adult breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy from previously mentioned setting. Tools: Three tools included: Structured Interview questionnaire, patients knowledge assessment questionnaire and patient's self-care practice questionnaire. Results: There was un satisfactory level of knowledge and poor self-care practices among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Conclusion: It can concluded that, the highest percentage of patients had poor knowledge and self-care practices related to physical activities, nutrition, exercise, sleeping and social role performance. Recommendations: Design and apply health education program for breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to improve their knowledge and self-care practices .
Key words: Knowledge, Self-care practices, Chemotherapy.