Tracheo-Bronchial Suctioning is one of the most common and an important procedure, performed for the patients to manage their airways, there are two techniques the open and closed suction system. The aim of this study was to assess the Relation between age and cardiorespiratory parameter in open and closed suction system. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized in the study. Sample : A purposive of 60 adult patients aged 18 years or more from both genders who was admitted during the study period on mechanical ventilation and met the inclusion criteria. Setting: Data were collected from Intensive Care Units at general fayoum hospital. Tools: Data was collected utilizing two designed tools (1) Interview assessment sheet which includes demographic characteristics, medical characteristics, mechanical ventilator assessment sheet, suction characteristics assessment sheet (2) Physiological outcomes follow up sheet include: heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation. The results revealed that, statistically significance contrast relation between heart rate after15 minutes from suction and age, highly statistically significance contrast relation between respiratory rate before suction and age in open suction and no significance relation between age and Cardiorespiratory Parameter in closed suction, Conclusion: the relation between age and cardiorespiratory parameter in open and closed suction system among the study group, according to the results of basic assessment were contrast relation between heart rate, respiratory rate and age in open suction for mechanically ventilated patients. Recommendation: the relation between age and cardiorespiratory parameter should be repeating in a large sample and different settings.