The experimental work of the current search was executed at El-Azab Poult. Res. Station, Fayoum, Anim. Prod. Res. Institute, Agric. Res. Center, Ministry of Agric., Dokki, Egypt during the period from April to May 2018. Chemical analyses were performed in the laboratories of Poult. Prod. Dep., Faculty of Agric., Fayoum University. This experiment was planned to study the effect of using two type of food processing waste (Guava and Olive) at three dietary levels (0.0, 5.0 and 10.0%) of each source with or without 0.1% Polyzyme (PZ) supplementation in 2 x 3 x 2 factorial arrangement giving twelve dietary treatments on productive performance, mortality rate and economical efficiency of growing Japanese quail diets. The total number of the experimental birds is 612 at 10 days of age (unsexed) were divided equally into twelve treatments (51 birds each), each treatment contained three replicates (17 birds each).
Results obtained could be summarized in the following: The main effects of type, level of substitution and enzyme addition had insignificantly affected live body weight (LBW), body weight gain (BWG) and growth rate (GR), while, significant effect on feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), crude protein conversion (CPC), caloric conversion ratio (CCR) and performance index (PI) during the period from 10 to 38 days. Birds fed diet containing Guava waste (GW) at level of 10% without enzyme had higher values of LBW and BWG during the period from 10 to 38 days, however, those fed control diet had the lower values of LBW and BWG during the same period. Birds fed GW at level of 10% with 0.1% PZ had higher value of FI. Birds fed OW at level of 5% with 0.1% PZ had lower FI, highest PI value and the best FCR, CPC and CCR values, however, those fed control diet had the worst FCR, CPC and CCR values during the period from 10 to 38 days.
Neither type or level of substitution, enzyme addition nor interaction due to type, level of substitution and enzyme addition had insignificantly affected some slaughter parameters%, except, type of substitution with gizzard, enzyme addition with gizzard and length of small intestine, and interaction due to type, level of substitution and enzyme addition with half rear which were significantly affected. Feeding GW and olive waste (OW) with or without enzyme addition insignificantly affected blood parameters% except, interaction due to type, level of substitution and enzyme addition with mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration which was significantly affected.
Birds fed control diet had significantly higher value of mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; however, those fed diet containing 10% OW without enzyme addition had significantly lower value. Type of addition, level of substitution and interaction due to type, level of substitution and enzyme addition had insignificant effect on chemical composition of quail meat, except, enzyme addition with moisture and fat and interaction due to type, level of substitution and enzyme addition with fat and ash%, which was significantly affected.
Economical and relative efficiency values during the period from 10 to 38 days of age improved in birds fed all experimental diets, except, birds fed diet containing GW at level of 10% with 0.1%PZ enzyme (the lowest corresponding values, being 0.8625 and 98.12%, respectively), as compared with those fed the control diet and other diets. Birds fed diet containing OW at level of 5% with 0.1%PZ enzyme had the best economical and relative efficiency values being 1.1162 and 127.20%, respectively, followed by birds fed diet containing OW at level of 5% without enzyme being 1.0648 and 122.54%, respectively.