Two field experiments were conducted in 2016 and 2017 summer seasons at Agric. Exp. Res. Sta., Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ. to study the effect of irrigation intervals (I1: irrigation every 9 days, I2: every 18 days and I3: every 27 days) and three potassium fertilizer level, i.e. K0: control (zero K2O) , K1: 50 kg K2O and K2: 75 kg K2O feddan-1 on growth, phenology and yield and its components of sunflower. Results of combined data across two seasons showed that significant differences between irrigation intervals were detected in growth, phenology, yield, yield components, seed oil content and oil yield feddan-1. Irrigation every 18 days produced the maximum values of plant height (183.0cm), number of leaves plant-1(19.4), leaf area plant-1 (1626 cm), leaf area index (1.81), head diameter (18.0 cm) head weight (359 g),seed yield plant-1(186 g) ,shelling percentage (51.9%), 1000-seed weight (72.5 g), seed yield feddan-1(1228 kg), stover yield feddan-1(4173 kg), biological yield feddan-1 (5407 kg), harvest index (22.7%), seed oil content (32.7%) and oil yield feddan-1 (398 kg). However, irrigation every 27 days gave the lowest values of all above mentioned traits. Increasing irrigation intervals from 9 to 27 days significantly decreased days to flowering and physiological maturity. Increasing potassium fertilizer from 50 kg K2O to 75 kg K2O feddan-1 led to increase of growth, yield and its components and also seed oil content. Interaction effect between irrigation intervals and potassium fertilizer level had a significant effect on all studied traits. It could concluded that irrigation every 18 days with 50 kg K2O feddan-1resulted in the greatest values for the growth, yield, seed oil content and oil yield feddan-1 of sunflower.