The concept of the four supports of the sky or the four pillars of the corners holds significant religious and cosmological
The concept of the four supports of the sky “4 sxnwt n pt" or the four pillars of the corners “4 ifd n gb.t" holds significant religious and cosmological significance in ancient Egyptian texts. These four entities are depicted as female goddesses, embodying the incarnation and personification of these celestial supports. The representation of these goddesses as integral figures within the religious iconography of Ptolemaic and Roman temples further solidifies their importance and enduring presence. The notion of the four supports of the sky as female deities reflects the ancient Egyptian belief in the divine feminine and its connection to cosmic stability. These goddesses are considered fundamental pillars, holding up the celestial vault and maintaining the order and balance of the cosmos. Their presence signifies the essential role they play in sustaining the integrity of the sky and the universe as a whole.
aHaj.t the goddess representing the south, assumed the role of supporting the sky from this cardinal direction, xj.t personified the north , fAj.t represented the west and wAj.t embodied the east. Together, these four goddesses constituted the divine beings responsible for upholding the celestial heaven at its respective cardinal points. aHaj.t, the goddess of the south in ancient Egyptian mythology, played a pivotal role in supporting and elevating the celestial heavens. As one of the four goddesses responsible for upholding the sky, she specifically focused on the southern side. Her function involved lifting and maintaining the southern region of the sky, ensuring the balance and stability of the cosmic order.
Aim of the research: - Study the Significance of Goddess aHaj.t in Ancient Egypt. - Shedding Light on the scenes depicting her presence and role in Ancient Egypt. - Analysis the diverse representations and manifestations of aHaj.t in ancient Egyptian scenes and temples.