This Research aimed mainly Identifying the degree of Wheat Farmers' Application for some Technical Recommendations to Confront Climate Change in Abo Homos District, El Beheira Governorate. The population of this Research included all Wheat Farmers in the eight Selected villages who amounted to a total of (6635) Farmers, the random sample amounted to (200) almost Respondents from the total number of Farmers by 3%. The data were collected through questionnaire through personal interviews with the Respondents during the Period from January to April 2024. the statistical methods used for data analysis were: Percentages, frequency tables, means, standard deviation, relative weight, Pearson's simple correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis by using the Statistical Program SPSS. V. 25.
The most important results were:
-More than three-quarters of the respondents by (81.5%) the degree of their Perception of wrong agricultural practices causing Climate Change was Medium and High.
- More than three-quarters of the respondents by (77.5%) the degree of their Perception of Manifestations and effects of Climate Change was Medium and High.
- More than two-thirds of the respondents by (68%) the degree of their application of some technical recommendations to confront Climate Change was Medium and High.
-The most common problems that facing farmers in growing wheat in light of Climate Change was: High the costs of production requirements and unavailability with a relative weight of (89.8%), Irregular of irrigation spells that occur thirst during plant growth periods with a relative weight of (87,8%), At last the state does not provide support to farmers to confront the impact of Climate Change with a relative weight of (82.5%).
- It turns out that a significant direct correlation at the probability level of (0.01) between degree of Wheat Farmers' Application for some Technical Recommendations to confront Climate Change and the following independent variables: Educational level, average productivity per acre for the last two agricultural seasons, Attitude towards agricultural Extension work in the village, Innovativeness degree, leadership degree, and exposure to agricultural information sources, As it turns out that a significant direct correlation at the probability level of (0.05) between degree of Wheat Farmers' Application for some Technical Recommendations to confront Climate Change and both the agricultural holding, and area cultivated with wheat crop, As it turns out that a significant inverse correlation at the probability level of (0.05) between degree of Wheat Farmers' Application for some Technical Recommendations to confront Climate Change and There are problems in growing wheat in light of climate change.
-It turns out that the independent variables included in the research together are responsible for explaining (40.9%) of the variance in the dependent variable, The most variables that explain the variance in the dependent
variable was: Exposure to agricultural information sources, innovativeness degree, there are problems in growing wheat in light of Climate Change, at last area cultivated with wheat crop.