This paper presents the implementation of a traffic violation management system. A vehicle tracking system uses the GPS, GSM and a microcontroller to detect speed violations on roads. Any violation is sent to a central database.
Payments can be performed off-line; without involving a third party during payment, or on-line; contacting an intermediate server for each payment. In this paper, we focus on using online payment without third party by using a new technology called blockchain for the authentication and authorization purposes in case of traffic violations payment. The contribution of this paper is providing a model of electronic payment for traffic violations to enhance two important
factors; trust and security of the e- payment system. Blockchain as a shared ledger holds a many set of entities that
faithfully records a series of transactions combined together by using a smart contract platform for embedding scripts that run across the network and enables adding new entries to that ledger. Blockchain technology is used in this paper for securing traffic violations management. Using the Blockchain guarantees highly secured traffic violations payment as no hacker can change the balance in driver's wallet or a vehicle property papers in a network around the world without the requirement for a central management, as all transactions are recorded in all copies distributed among all parties in the network, where each party has the same copy of the ledger. The proposed model should reduce the response times of violation requests and payment at any time and from any place.
Internet of Things, Fog Computing, Blockchain, smart contract, Traffic violations
Faculty of Computers and
Information systems, C.S dep.
Mansoura University, Egypt
Faculty of Computers and
Information systems, C.S dep.
Mansoura University, Egypt
Faculty of Computers and
Information systems, C.S dep.
Mansoura University, Egypt
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Original Research Articles.
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Mansoura Journal for Computer and Information Sciences
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Traffic Violations Management System Using Blockchain Technology