This paper aims to investigate the extent to which parametric design tools contribute to increasing innovation in interior furniture design. The research methodology measures creativity criteria based on the theoretical background and previous studies in this field. We use Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software with samples (40 professionals) of architects, designers and specialists to analyze the survey outcomes. The results show that; adoption of parametric design in interior furniture achieves good flexibility and streamlining. Also, it fulfills a good and perfect aesthetic, functional and innovative value, where the highest innovation index of 53% (good) is achieved. For parametric chairs the highest innovation index percentage is 38% (creative), while for traditional chairs is 41% (normal). The parametric tables highest percentage is 40% (creative), and for traditional tables is 57% (normal), The Validity and Reliability of the questionnaire was carried out before its completion, and the accuracy and stability of all survey and questionnaire axes were confirmed by using the SPSS approved statistical analysis program. Reliability Statistics for Part One (Survey) was 0.808, Part Two (Measurement) was 0.85, the Part Three (Comparison) was 0.891 It is good acceptable rate for testing the validity and reliability of the Survey, finally we recommend and suggest applying in a larger scale the applied research study on all parametric interior design elements and not just some types of furniture, and examining the psychological impact on the user behavior.