Aim: Is to study etiopathogenesis and clinical profile of vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) among patients going to the Eye Department at Abukir hospital from March/2020 to August/2020.
Methods: A retrospective study analyzing patient records at Department of Ophthalmology, Abukir Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. Dissecting 100 patients with VKC recognized by detailed history, characteristic symptomatology, and clinical profile. We measured total serum IgE and the mean blood eosinophil count for VKC patients during active phase of the disease.
Results: Out of 100 patients, 62 (62%) were males and 38(38%) were females. The highest frequency of VKC is in the 11-15 age group. Maximum cases (57%) had palpebral form secondly mixed form (29%) and bulbar form (14%).
Corneal complications occurred in 17 patients. The minor complications seen in 15 patients consisted of superficial punctate keratopathy (SPK). The major complications mainly pseudogerontoxon was seen in 2 patients. 30 % of VKC patients showed increased levels of total serum IgE, the mean blood eosinophil count and 70 % showed normal levels.
Conclusions: VKC is a type of allergic conjunctivitis with symptoms varying from itching to corneal pannus and blindness. The sheet anchor for treatment of these patients would be early identification and continuous follow-up with limited judicious use of steroids