Cleansing is considered one of the religious rites that distinguished the Ancient Egyptian civilization and the specialization is the removal of sensual and moral foul. Cleansing was made with water and natron salt to remove fouls from the body and there was another kind of Removal which removing or erasing the name which meant the distortion of the ancient Egyptian of the names of the enemies which is a kind of revenge. In the Pyramid Texts Removal had great symbolism as spitting caused removing wounds for gods. Also, Removal was a symbol of perishability , as the king sometimes perished/ became extinct when he did not enter into the god “Geb". Threatening by removing the “Ka" flesh of the deceased king was also considered a threat with a great effect, meaning complete extinction/ perishability. Thus, the deceased used to pray that it would not be removed from “Re's" protection.
The keywords in the Coffin Texts signified various meanings and symbols where the god “Npr" removes the deceased away from the gate and some gods were completely removed, such as the god “Shu". The term “Removal" and its expressions also mean the extinction of body members, such as removing the face and shoulders. In the Book of the Dead, the keywords referring to Removal appeared with a new meaning which is removing negative appearances such as evil, war and wailing.