إن تربية الأجيال بمختلف فئاتها أمر مهم للمجتمعات وخاصة للأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة (المصابين باضطراب التوحد) بحيث ينالون عناية واهتمام المجتمع، أما إهمال هذه الفئة فيؤدي إلى تفاقم مشكلتهم وتضاعف إعاقتهم فيصبحون بالتالي عالة على أسرهم ومجتمعهم.
وتعد رعاية المعاقين من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من المشكلات المهمة التي تواجه المجتمعات إذ لا يخلو مجتمع من المجتمعات من وجود نسبة لا يستهان بها من أفراده، ومن يواجهون الحياة وقد أصيبوا بنوع أو أكثر من أنواع الإعاقة التي تقلل من قدرتهم على القيام بأدوارهم في المجتمع على الوجه المقبول مقارنة بالأشخاص العاديين، كما صاحب وجودها تباينا في وجهات نظر المجتمعات حيث لاقت هذه الفئة من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة الكثير من المعاملات مع هذه الفئة من الازدراء والقسوة ومحاولة التخلص منهم إلى الإشفاق عليهم، والتوجه إلى رعايتهم تحقيقا لمبدأ تكافؤ الفرص بين الأسوياء.
ومن هذا المنطلق جاء الاهتمام برعاية المعاقين وتأهيلهم حيث أنشئت المدارس ووضعت تشريعات تكفل للمعاقين بعض المزايا والحقوق التي تحقق لهم الاستقرار، كما تضافرت جهود العلماء في سبيل تأهيلهم وتنمية ما تبقى لهم من قدرات.
Raising different generations of generations is important for societies, especially for children with special needs, so that they receive the care and attention of society. However, neglecting this group leads to the exacerbation of their problem and the doubling of their disability, and thus they become a burden on their families and society.Caring for disabled people with special needs is one of the important problems facing societies, as no society is devoid of a significant percentage of its members, who face life afflicted with one or more types of disability that reduces their ability to carry out their roles in society properly. It is acceptable compared to ordinary people, and its presence was accompanied by a difference in the viewpoints of societies, as this group of people with special needs encountered a lot of disdain and cruelty with this group, and an attempt to get rid of them in order to pity them and take care of them in order to achieve the principle of equal opportunities among normal people.From this standpoint came the interest in caring for and rehabilitating the disabled, as schools were established and legislation was put in place to guarantee the disabled some advantages and rights that would achieve stability for them. The efforts of scholars were also combined to rehabilitate them and develop their remaining abilities.From this standpoint came the interest in caring for and rehabilitating the disabled, as schools were established and legislation was put in place to guarantee the disabled some advantages and rights that would achieve stability for them. The efforts of scholars were also combined to rehabilitate them and develop their remaining abilities