This paper delves into the intricacies of magic realism within the novel, elucidating how it adeptly incorporates the essential elements of this literary genre. The study is organized into two comprehensive sections: the first expounds upon the theoretical foundations of magic realism, while the second presents an applied analysis focusing on the novel under scrutiny. The primary objectives include showcasing the integration of illogical events, the portrayal of a setting that intertwines reality and fiction, the deliberate disruption of grand narratives, summoning the dead, and a satirical exploration of pertinent social, political, and environmental issues. Elgezeery employs magic realism, also known as magical realism, in his novel for a multitude of compelling reasons. Through this literary style, he skillfully blurs the boundaries between the ordinary and the supernatural, utilizes symbolism and metaphor to address complex themes, explores cultural identity, challenges readers' perceptions of reality, conveys deep emotions and dreams, heightens the sense of wonder, offers a form of escapism and entertainment, creates unforgettable imagery, and ultimately reflects the rich complexity of the world. Magic realism serves as a versatile and imaginative storytelling tool, enabling Elgezeery to delve into a wide spectrum of themes and ideas while captivating readers with its distinctive fusion of the everyday and the extraordinary. The conclusive findings affirm that Elgezeery masterfully employs a postmodernist technique, magic realism, to unveil the hidden tapestry of everyday calamities, showcasing the author's skillful rendering of this literary genre. .