ArticleNavigating Distorted Territories: “Trauma, Memory and History” in Tony Kushner’s Homebody/Kabul
ArticleNavigating Distorted Territories: “Trauma, Memory and History” in Tony Kushner’s Homebody/Kabul
ArticleRepresentation of the Other in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini from a New Orientalist Perspective
ArticleRepresentation of the Other in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini from a New Orientalist Perspective
ArticleLaila Halaby's Once in a promised land as post 9/11 novel :By Mona Abu El Hassan Abd El Wahab Ali
ArticleLaila Halaby's Once in a promised land as post 9/11 novel :By Mona Abu El Hassan Abd El Wahab Ali
Article: Suffering and Nostalgia in Exile in Abu-Jaber 's Crescent By Mona Abu El Hassan Abd El Wahab Ali
Article: Suffering and Nostalgia in Exile in Abu-Jaber 's Crescent By Mona Abu El Hassan Abd El Wahab Ali
ArticleFrom Diaspora to Hybridity the in-betweenness of arb Americans pre and post 9/11 Displacement in Laila Halaby's West of the Jordan (2003) and Once in a Promised (2007).
ArticleFrom Diaspora to Hybridity the in-betweenness of arb Americans pre and post 9/11 Displacement in Laila Halaby's West of the Jordan (2003) and Once in a Promised (2007).