ArticleHuman Agency and the Epistemological Vortex in Beckett’s The Unnamable: A Deconstructive Reading
ArticleHuman Agency and the Epistemological Vortex in Beckett’s The Unnamable: A Deconstructive Reading
ArticleLanguage as a Means of Power: A Comparative Study of Harold Pinter’s No Man’s Land and Alfred Farag’s Ali Janah al-Tabrizi and His Servant Quffa
ArticleLanguage as a Means of Power: A Comparative Study of Harold Pinter’s No Man’s Land and Alfred Farag’s Ali Janah al-Tabrizi and His Servant Quffa
ArticleThe Literary Impact of the Absurd Movement on Cormac McCarthy’s “The Sunset Limited: A Novel in Dramatic Form
ArticleThe Literary Impact of the Absurd Movement on Cormac McCarthy’s “The Sunset Limited: A Novel in Dramatic Form
ArticleIs There Any Way Out? A Phenomenological Hermeneutic Reading of Escapism in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West and The Last White Man
ArticleIs There Any Way Out? A Phenomenological Hermeneutic Reading of Escapism in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West and The Last White Man
ArticleDereifying Tragic Existence: A Heideggerian Reading of Greek Tragedy and its Reformulation by Arthur Miller
ArticleDereifying Tragic Existence: A Heideggerian Reading of Greek Tragedy and its Reformulation by Arthur Miller