تناولت هذه الورقة البحثية موضوع الشك لدى الأكاديمية الوسطى ، وخلصت إلى أن الأكاديمية التى أسسها أفلاطون تعتبر أشهر مدرسة فلسفية في التاريخ القديم، وأطولها عمرًا، إلا أن الفنرة الوسيطة منها اتسمت بالنزعة الشكية، ومن ثم غيرت النزعة الأفلاطونية التى تثق بالعقل وقدرته في الوصول الى الحقائق، ولقد ذاعت النزعة الشكية في العصر الهللينستى قد لاقي رواجاً عند كثير من الفلاسفة اللاحقين ومنهم أركسيلاوس الذى أدخل الشك إلى الأكاديمية. إلا أن الأكاديمية في عصرها الوسيط لم تبالغ في الشك
This research paper dealt with the issue of skepticism in the Middle Academy, and concluded that the Academy founded by Plato is considered the most famous philosophical school in ancient history, and the longest-lasting. However, the Middle School of it was characterized by a skeptical tendency, and thus changed the Platonic tendency that trusts the mind and its ability to reach the truths. The skeptical tendency spread in the Hellenistic era and was popular with many subsequent philosophers, including Arcesilaus, who introduced skepticism to the academy. However, the academy in its medieval era did not exaggerate skepticism as Byron did. They believed that a person must work, and if it is not possible to know the truth, then the possibility of the truth and its belief are sufficient to guide one to action. The Central Academy also concluded that the real problem in reality is not the problem of the link between conformity and the external subject, but rather the problem of the link between development and the perceived self.