تتناول الورقة البحثية علامة Sms فى الفکر الدينى المصرى القديم، حيث ان أهم ما يميز الفکر الدينى المصرى اعتماده بشکل أساسى فى صياغة تعاليم الدين وفلسفته فى رمزية فهم ما ورا تلک الرموز والعلامات کعلامة Sms، فان علامة Sms فى الفکر الدينى المصرى ما هى الا رمز موضوع فى نسق مترابط يقدم تفسير عميق لفلسفة الديانة عند المصرى القديم، ولقد شکلت رمزية تلک العلامة رکنا أساسياً من أرکان تطور الفکر الدينى عند المصرى القديم يظهر من خلال تحليل تلک العلامة من خلال المناظر التى وردت بها فى المقابر وبعض الکتب الدينية وعلى المقاصير وعلى اللوحات، والتى توضح من خلالها دور علامة Sms فى الفکر الدينى المصرى.
The research paper deals with the Sms sign in the ancient Egyptian religious thought, as the most important characteristic of Egyptian religious thought is its primary reliance in formulating the teachings of religion and its philosophy in the symbolism of understanding what is behind those symbols and signs as the Sms sign, the Sms sign in Egyptian religious thought is nothing but a subject symbol In a coherent pattern, it provides a deep interpretation of the ancient Egyptian philosophy of religion, and the symbolism of that sign formed a fundamental pillar of the development of religious thought in the ancient Egyptian, which appears through the analysis of that sign through the scenes presented in it in tombs, some religious books, on the benches and on the paintings, which It illustrates the role of the Sms sign in the Egyptian religious thought.