There is a great relationship between the ceramic shape and the light emitted through the gaps of the shape with various decorations from which the bright light shines, which has an effect in highlighting the utilitarian or aesthetic value of the shape. This study is summarized as follows:
- It is clear from this practical experiment of 27 students for the ceramic hollows project the success of these practical results, which reflect the actual utilitarian and aesthetic value of the ceramic shape. The students learned new applied skills in how to make these decorative units and learned how to hollow out the hollows and through them highlight the light.
- The utilitarian value is the value that achieves a certain benefit or advantage. The aesthetic value is the characteristic that makes something desirable and beautiful in the eyes of others. There is no doubt that the aesthetics of ceramic art and the hollows of the decorative units to highlight the light achieve unity for the utilitarian and aesthetic value of the artwork.
- The use of natural or artificial lighting between the gaps of the ceramic shape has a clear effect on the ceramic work and its highlighting and aesthetics.
- The experience of lighting through ceramic voids is an art that reflects a wonderful marriage between ceramics and lighting. The voids and cavities in the ceramic piece are exploited to create magical lighting effects. When light is directed to these voids, complex and beautiful light patterns are generated that give the ceramic piece a new life and additional dimensions.
- We conclude from the students' results that it is possible to create special and multiple topics related to the art of voids, as the results related to the Islamic decorative pattern, Kuwaiti heritage, the plant environment, and contemporary engineering designs for illuminated voids during ceramic work were presented.
- The higher the percentage of voids in the ceramic work, the higher the percentage of illumination in the ceramic form, and the lower the percentage of voids, the lower the percentage of illumination in the ceramic work of the project. Therefore, the greater the amount of illuminated voids, the greater the aesthetic and utilitarian value in the ceramic form.
- The voids and cavities in the ceramic piece play a fundamental role in this experiment. These voids also act as channels for light, allowing it to pass and disperse within the piece, creating diverse light patterns.
- The light source that can be used from different natural or artificial sources can be placed inside or behind the ceramic piece.
- The shadows, light and colors that appear when light passes through the voids, form overlapping shadows and colors on the outer surface of the piece, creating an attractive visual effect.
- Lighting is an essential element in the world of ceramics, as it is not limited to providing a clear vision for the artist while working, but rather goes beyond that to greatly affect the final result of the artwork.
In conclusion, the experience of lighting through ceramic voids is a wide field for creativity and innovation. It combines art and technology to create unique and amazing visual experiences.