Background: Hospital policies for COVID-19 screening at labor and delivery unit is crucial for preventing
spread of infection between parturient women as well as health care providers. Aim: This study aims to assess Belqas
Central Hospital's policies regarding COVID-19 screening in labor and delivery unit. Study design: A descriptive cross
sectional study design was used. Setting: The study was carried out in labor and delivery unit at Belqas central hospital.
Sample type: A convenient sample was utilized. Study sample: The study sample included all health care providers in
the labor and delivery unit. Tools: A structured interview questionnaire about health care providers general
characteristics and their awareness about hospital policies, checklist about hospital facilities for COVID-19 screening
policies, and application of health care providers of COVID-19 screening policies at labor and delivery unit. Results:
The present study showed that two third of doctors and nurses and one quarter of cleaner workers had adequate
awareness about hospital facilities. More than two third of doctors, majority of nurses and two fifth of cleaner workers
had adequate awareness about screening policies. Around one third of doctors, half nurses and majority of cleaner
workers had inadequate awareness about birthing partner screening policies. Most doctors and nurse screened pregnant
women for fever. Only about two fifth of doctors and nurses washed their hands completely before and after screening
parturient women. Conclusion: More than half of the hospital facilities was available but not enough. More than one
third of doctors and nurses and three quarters of cleaner workers had inadequate awareness about hospital policies.
Around half of health care providers (doctors, nurses, and cleaner workers) didn't completely apply the hospital policies
as wearing gown & eye protection, asking about COVID-19 exposure history, changing gloves, and using 0.1 chlorine
solution for disinfection of surfaces and floors. Recommendation: Health care providers need educational programs
about COVID-19 screening policies to increase their awareness.