Psychological resilience is a relatively new construct in geriatrics field that allows older adults to improve the ability to
adapt positively and has an important role in recovery from adversity and better physical and mental health in elderly
patient with cancer Aim: Assess the level of psychological resilience and depression among elderly cancer patients with
pain. Method A descriptive correlational research design was used. A purposive sample of 351elderly cancer patients
selected from Oncology center Mansoura University. Results: the mean age of the studied elderly patients was 65.61 ±
5.70 years. 74,4% of the studied elders reported low level of resilience . 43,0% of the studied elders did not suffer from
depression while 22,5% had mild depression. A highly significant statistical relation between psychological resilience
levels and gender, level of education ,residence and living status (P=0.01**, 0.000**,0.00.0** and 0.03* respectively).
There was high statistical significant relation between depression levels and age, gender, income, level of education and
residence (P=0.005**, P=0.002**, P=0.000**,P=0.000**and P=0.003** respectively).
Conclusion: A highly significant negative relation between psychological resilience and depression in which level of
depression decrease with increase in psychological resilience. Also, there was high significant correlation between
income and depression
Recommendations: Designing psycho- educational programs for elderly cancer patients to enhance their psychological
resilience, Psychological counseling for elderly patients with cancer to improve their coping strategies to pain, Planning
educational programs for nurses on psychological needs of elderly cancer patients, encouraging elderly patients to
engage in new activities and make new friendships, designing plans for activities that build resilience, such as joining a
social group, developing a family communication plan, starting a stress management program and exercising