اتجه البحث إلى الكتابة عن بعض رجالات المسلمين بإلقاء الضوء عليهم بأسلوب سهل بسيط يفهمه العامة والخاصة فوقع الاختيار على صحابي جليل حاز قصبة السبق إلى الإسلام وهو أبو بكر الصديق t للتعريف به بالذكر لنسبه وصفاته، والتعديد لمناقبه وفضائله على مدي حياته مع الرسول r في كل المواطن عند سماعه له r وتصديقه له دون أدنى شك أوريب، وطوال مقامه في مكة قبل الهجرة، وفي هجرته مع الرسول r ، ولمواقفه المتعددة والمشرفة بعد وفاة النبي r في حسم قضية الخلافة، وفي حسم حروب الردة ، وقد مهد للتعريف به t بالتوضيح للمراد من كلمة رجال بأنَّهم من تصنعهم الشدائد، ويعرفون في المحن .
The research tended to write about some Muslim men by shedding light on them in a simple and easy way that the public and the private could understand, so the choice fell on a great companion who won the lead to Islam, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq to introduce him by mentioning his lineage and qualities, and to enumerate his virtues and virtues throughout his life with the Messenger in every citizen Upon hearing him and believing him without the slightest doubt Urib, and throughout his stay in Mecca before the migration, and in his migration with the Messenger, and for his multiple and honorable stances after the death of the Prophet in resolving the issue of succession, and in resolving the wars of apostasy, and he paved the way for his definition by clarifying what is meant by the word Men that they are made by adversity, and they are known in adversity