يعد فن الديكوباج من الفنون السهله والبسيطه في التناول ، ويتم من خلال استخدام خامة متوفرة وغير باهظة الثمن والتكلفة وهي خامة الورق التي تمتاز بأنها ثرية فكرياً ، مرنة ، متنوعة الألوان والملمس مما تساهم في تجسيد الفكرة بسهولة ويسر، وتعطى مجالات عديدة للتجربة و تساعد على التعبير بالتشكيل المباشر وتنمية الإدراك التشكيلى وحرية التعبير من خلال إدراك مفهوم الخامة و إمكاناتها التشكيلية مما يجعلها محور هذا البحث في التعبير الفني لإظهار القيم التشكيلية والتعبيرية لها لتحقيق رؤي جديدة في مجال التصميم والتشكيل على المانيكان لإثراء ملابس السهرة للسيدات ، يهدف البحث إلي الإفادة من فن الديكوباج في مجال الأزياء عامة والتشكيل والتصميم على المانيكان خاصة كمصدر خصب للتصميم وذلك من خلال دراسة فن الديكوباج وأصوله التاريخية ، التعرف علي أنواعه واستخداماته، ابتكار مجموعة من التصميمات بفن الديكوباج باستخدام التصميم والتشكيل علي المانيكان ، وضع التقنيات المطلوبة لتشكيل فن الديكوباج علي المانيكان ، ومن أهم نتائج البحث إمكانية ابتكار تصميمات برؤي جديدة ذات بعد جمالي وذلك عن طريق تصميم وتنفيذ (7) موديلات من الخامات المختلفة وإثرائها بخامات الديكوباج المختلفة مستعينين بالتشكيل علي المانيكان ،اثراء القيم الجمالية والوظيفية لملابس السهرة للسيدات باستخدام خامات الديكوباج المختلفة.
Decoupage is a wide field in the implementation of artistic works of techniques and methods bearing visions and artistic expressions, which develops the awareness of plastic relations. Hence, the research problem crystallizes in the possibility of developing an updated vision for the art of decoupage and the possibility of benefiting from it in enriching the aesthetic and functional aspect of women's clothing? The art of decoupage is a form of plastic arts that is carried out using simple and old materials such as scraps of paper and others to obtain beautiful artistic paintings and to obtain a piece of furniture with a new appearance, such as vases, boxes, ceramic dishes, and others, which acquire an artistic appearance similar to handicrafts, and can be applied to many different surfaces such as wood. Or cardboard, or metal, or pottery .
The research contributed to opening a wider field for experimentation in the field of shaping on the mannequin using cheap materials such as paper, decoupage napkins, gift wrapping papers, printed paper, and developing the skills of imagination, experimentation and visual perception for art students through a sense of distances, consistency and homogeneity between colors and synthesis between materials, and Techniques required to design and form decoupage art units on the mannequin? By taking the art of decoupage as a source of inspiration, it is possible to obtain various effects that are difficult to obtain using the two-dimensional design, which prompted the researcher to take the three-dimensional design, which is (shaping on the mannequin) an ideal way to highlight the aesthetics and techniques of that art to obtain new designs.
. The research assumed that the study of the art of decoupage is a rich source to enrich the field of design and formation on the mannequin. Accordingly, a number of (7) designs formed on the mannequin in the style of decoupage were implemented with the presence of statistically significant differences between the designs executed according to the opinions of the arbitrators, and knowledge of the opinions of consumers in the executed designs. One of the most important results of the research was the presence of statistically significant differences between the opinions of specialists and consumers in the proposed and implemented designs, which indicates that the different decoupage materials achieved aesthetic and functional values in the field of design and formation on the mannequin, which achieved visual comfort and harmony. The designs showed a contemporary artistic vision according to the available capabilities.
The different materials have contributed to giving a variety of artistic formulations with new and innovative plastic concepts; The role of the material has gone beyond being a mediator for the formulation of the artwork, to become one of the most important components of artwork because of its important and vital role. Therefore, the artist had to understand the requirements of each material and be aware of the nature of the different materials and how to work with them and realize their expressive and artistic values and exploit all their data and control them through training and practice and exploiting the tools, means and methods that suit the nature of each material from the other . .
The art of decoupage is one of the easy and simple arts to deal with, and it is done through the use of a material that is available and not expensive and expensive, which is the raw material of paper, which is characterized by being intellectually rich, flexible, diverse in colors and texture, which contributes to the embodiment of the idea easily and easily, and gives many areas of experience and helps to express Through direct formation and the development of awareness of formation and freedom of expression by realizing the concept of material and its plastic capabilities, which makes it the focus of this research in artistic expression to show the fine and expressive values of it to achieve new visions in the field of design and formation on the mannequin to enrich evening wear for women.