Traditional soil science methods for estimating spatial changes in soil parameters within any farm are time-consuming and do not allow for the measurement of short-term variability. Geophysical approaches provide a high-accuracy alternative to typical soil sampling methods. The primary goal was to assess the appropriateness of measuring soil apparent electrical resistivity (Rho; ρ) as geoelectrical technique for mapping and predicting soil attributes linked to soil origin and uniformity in Wadi El-Madamude, east Luxor, Upper Egypt. The relationships were performed among Rho and soil morphological, physical, chemical, mineralogical, and geochemical properties. The electrical resistance of obtained soil samples by genetic horizons was measured in the laboratory using a resistivity Ohm.m meter. The soils of Wadi El-Madamude were classified into four reference soil groups based on the W.R.B. system namely: Leptosols, Regosols, Calcisols, and Solonchaks. The following are the horizonation sequences of the examined soil groups from upstream to downstream of Wadi
El-Madamude: C-Cr-R was assigned to Leptosols, C-Ck-2Cm-Cr to Regosols, Ap-Bk-2Ck1-2Ck2 to Calcisols, and Ap-Bw-Btkz- Btkm-Btm-Btg-W to Solonchaks. The Rho values ranged wildly horizontally across Wadi El-Madamude and vertically within the soil pedon. Clay soils of Solonchaks have lower resistivity values than sandy soils of Leptosols and Regosols. Leptosols have the highest values (70129.3-98120.5 Ω m ), Regosols (13546.1-59147.5 Ω m), Calcisols (7126.3-21357.2 Ω m), and Solonchaks (55.1-73.2 Ω m). The soils were evaluated for their origin and uniformity based on mineralogical and geochemical studies and indices. Upper Wadi El-Madamude sediments are derived from limestone and high-grade metamorphic rocks. In contrast, downstream soils are derived from fine Nile floodplain products and recent coarse deposits from the upland (midstream and upstream). Within the soil pedons of Regosols and Calcisols, lithological discontinuities were discovered. The homogeneity of the soil was determined using the uniformity value and the C.V. of the Ti/Zr and sand/silt ratios. The Z.T.R. and C.P.A. indices assessed soil maturity and weathering rates. As a trial, these indices and other soil characteristics were connected with Rho by using statistical analysis to determine soil homogeneity and origin using the geophysical technique. The relationships between Rho and soil parameters at the study site show that, geophysical approaches may reliably predict and record soil property variations. Rho was shown to be strongly correlated with salic horizon (r=-0.91) causing a root limitation, lithic bedrock (r=0.92), porosity (r=0.89), clay (r=-0.79), sand (r=0.62), bulk density (B.D.), available water-holding capacity (A.W.H.C.), Z.T.R. (r=-0.78), C.P.A. (r=-0.74), and uniformity value (r=0.87). Standard regression curves were performed using Rho spatial trends in these characteristics. Results indicate that, apparent soil electrical resistivity measurements can accurately estimate soil origin and uniformity.