عنوان البحث
إجارة الموصوف في الذمة وتطبيقاتها على المصارف الإسلامية
دراسة فقهية معاصرة
في هذا البحث اتحدث عن ماهية العقد وأركانه والتعريف بعقد الإجارة وأركانها وشروطها وطبيعتها بما يتماشى مع طبيعة البحث..
إن عقد الإجارة من العقود الهامة والمعمول بها في المصارف الإسلامية ' لاسيما واصبح واقعا معمول به في كافة المجتمعات' و الإجارة كوسيلة وأداة من ادوات التمويل الحديثة ستصبح أداة هامة للاعتماد عليها في المصارف الإسلامية' وهي بدورها آخذة في التطور والحداثة للاعتماد عليها في التمويل المصرفي..ومن خلال اطروحتي هذه والتي تجمع بين الأصالة من جهة والحداثة من جهة أخرى باستخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي المقارن يتضح لنا انه من الممكن ان نستعيض بها عن صيغتي المرابحة والبيع المؤجل اللتان تستخدمان بكثرة في الصكوك الإسلامية في سوق المال باستخدام صكوك الإجارة الموصوفة في الذمة.. كما يمكن الاستفادة منها في الواقع العملي بأن نقوم بتطبيقها على بند الإعلانات عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي كالفيس بوك ومنصة اكس.. كما يمكن الاستفادة منها في الكثير من الخدمات كالتعليم والعلاج والحج والعمرة.
Praise be to Allaah, the Lord who gave to everything its creation, then guided and peace be upon the prophet and his family, teacher of mankind of what his lord revealed. God's generosity to humans is that he set Islam their religion; Islam is a religion that includes the interests of the people, ensuring ease and removing hardship from them. Among the most important interests that Islam has approved for the people are housing, clothing, the means of livelihood from which they earn their living, and the means of transportation.
Hence, I chose an important topic in the jurisprudence of transactions in Islamic law, especially since it has become a reality in the life of humans and even in all societies regardless of their religions, which is the leasing of what is described in the estate and its applications to Islamic banks. The leasing contract is one of the important contracts used in Islamic banks, especially since its implementation allows these banks and their clients to obtain many of the desired advantages for both parties.
Leasing as a means and as one of the modern financing tools - especially Lease of what is described in estate- will become an important tool to rely on in Islamic banks, and it in turn is developing and modernizing to be relied upon as a financing means. Through this thesis of mine, which combines modernity on the one hand and originality on the other hand: Lease of what is described in the estate and its applications to Islamic banks and using the descriptive analytical comparative approach, important results and recommendations were drawn, among them is that we have no right to force the tenant to pay part of the rent in advance because the landlord considers it a right on the tenant, especially if that was at the time of the contract. This payment made by the tenant is not considered an advance rent, nor can we even say that it is a guarantee for payment of the agreed-upon rent. It can only be considered part of the lessor's right. It is possible to replace the formulas of Murabaha and Expedited Sale, which are widely used in Islamic instruments in the money market, by instruments of lease described in the estate, and it is possible to benefit from this research in practical reality by applying Lease of what is described in the estate to the item of advertisements on social networking sites, such as Facebook., X platform, etc. In addition, it can be used for many services such as treatment, education, Hajj and Umrah.