There are a few statues associated with the falcon figure from ancient Egypt.The most famous examplesare the statues of Ramses II in the Egyptian Museum, JE 64735, British Museum, BMEA1006 and Nectanebo II in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, MMA 34.2.1. However, each statue represents the king under the protection of a different deity in the form of a falcon. the statues of Ramses II represent the king under the protection of Horun (JE 64735), Ra-Horakhty (BM, EA1006), while the king Nectanebo II is under the protection of the falcon god Horus. The example under the discussion is in the acquisition of the Egyptian Museum, under JE 36455. It is a lower part of a groupstatue of King Ramses II under the protection of a divine falcon. The research matter is to determine the identity of the falcon god and the significance of such depiction; meanwhile to present a full publication to such an interesting piece. In his discussion, the author examines the object in comparison to similar depictions on sculpture and afterlife books in order to determine the depicted god and the significance of his depiction on the statue fragmentary. The importance is based on what this piece represents in addition to the statues that express the king under the protection of the falcon, as well as the god who protects the king in this statue.