Self-Sale considers one of sources of Slavery, and it Phenomenon spread in Countries of ancient near east entirely, and it was legal and permitable without any shame for anyone does it ; especially for crises which they had happened at war times and starvation and feminine, and deterioration of economic factor and war times and gradual starvation years one of the causes of spread of salvery generally , and self-sale particularly, and official contracts edited for those who sell their selves , and it is important that contracts were formed accurately including buyer and seller names ; and after that slaves prices which it mostly with Shekels from silver , and finally names of witnesses and others who sealed the contract with their seals.
The study aims to concentrate the attention to the phenomenon of Self-Sale in texts of Emar kingdom in detail with explanation and interpretation texts and comparing it for knowing the keywords to Self-Sale and the different reasons wich lead to enter the free men into Slavery, further more knowing of prices Self-Sale Slaves at Emar with gestures to existance of slaves rights or not, and knowing the professions which they were working with the master, and there is a difference between permenant Slavery and temporary slavery according to texts which the research includes.
The study finished to cases of Self-Sale occurred due to the bad economic conditions which stopped from existence the living source, the contracts of Self-Sale included the same personalities that buy a lot of slaves continuously, and it is possible that stay one, three or four slaves at one house, it was noticed that slaves names at Emar don't differ mostly from the free men names, the texts mentioned to existence several rights which keep some Self-Sale Slaves humanity; and especially its share of the food .