According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), the main motive for starting a business in Egypt is out of necessity; where the country faced many challenges, and this period was characterized by economic slowdown reflected in higher levels of unemployment. Thus, many people, mostly Female breadwinners, were pushed into entrepreneurship to support themselves and their families without having the necessary skills, knowledge and experience required for such act. Some of those new entrepreneurs are Female breadwinners who lack the basic economic and social necessities. This makes it even more difficult for them to start their own business.In the last four years, two innovative entrepreneurship training programs were conducted at the faculty of specific education Home Economics Department, the University of Ain Shams (UAS), Cairo, Egypt. The first one was tailored for female university students.Whereas the second was devoted to women with different backgrounds and education levels but all with financial needs. Some of the participants in both programs were Female breadwinnersand it was noted, through the training, that they needed more than what these programs offered them.
Here, a study was conducted to better understand the special needs of Female breadwinner entrepreneurs through a tailored program and, case studies to come up with recommendations to improve future entrepreneurship trainings designed specifically for them. Throughthis training program, the target groups learned businessentrepreneurship. Initiation and practical management skills. Furthermore, after training consultation was offeredto all participants to help them start and run their own business successfully