The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the world in a lot, if not all, domains; the epidemic has put the nations and peoples of the world facing unprecedented challenges, which in turn have led to many economic, social and even political impacts and repercussions. In literature, these economic and social impacts are extensively discussed; however, there is no detailed discussion available on how the pandemic influenced the politics at all levels. Therefore, this study aimed to highlight the political impacts of the COVID-19 at the international as well as the domestic level and specifically discuss to what extent the state has been affected by all this challenges, with a quick glimpse of these impacts in European case, as an example of the regions that were politically affected by the pandemic. The study concluded that the COVID-19 created several global and local political implications; both the international system and international cooperation have been affected, and relations between States and among regional alliances have been affected also. Coronavirus affected all aspects of life, but perhaps most importantly, it affected the idea of liberalism. The pandemic extremely hurt globalization and led to the decline of neoliberalism as a global orientation. On the other hand, the pandemic has contributed to the rise of nationalism, which was clearly appearing in the European case, which has affected significantly by the crisis and its political repercussions. The pandemic has also contributed to the revival of the nation-state and state's return to the forefront of the political landscape.